Custom made platform, Service integrations, hosting, Process automation
My-Habitz is an initiative of MSI and Sowedo and aims to enable new forms of market research. In today's market research landscape, huge budgets are spent and consumers are often the product without learning anything from it themselves. Think of the larger tech companies that continuously collect data based on the use of apps.
My-Habitz wants to return control over the data to the consumer. He determines which data is shared and also receives a fee for this. By keeping track of which billboards have been seen and shops visited, valuable marketing information can be collected.
The solution
To enable accurate measurements, Sowedo has developed a mobile app for both iPhone and Android. This app is connected to the GPS sensors of the phone and registers which of the specified locations has been walked or driven. A back office has been created and a reporting environment has been set up to be able to control the whole.
Sowedo has built a complete solution for My-Habitz using Microsoft Azure techniques such as Cosmos db. API services, SQL, function apps and App services. Microsoft Power Bi is used for reporting.
The result
The results are an unambiguous and high-quality registration of consumer perceptions. This data can be bundled into marketing reports on campaign effectiveness and other consumer behavior.
An important aspect here is that the consumer himself determines whether and which data may be shared.