No-code development, Custom made application, Hybrid working, Service integrations
Within the automotive industry, a major change can be observed in the field of services that are offered. The dealer is no longer responsible for selling, delivering and maintaining a car, but mobility is increasingly seen as a service. We also describe this as MaaS; mobility as a service.
In order to provide good service, it is important to make it as user-friendly as possible for customers. This applies not only when purchasing a (lease) car, but also during use and when returning (trade-in) the car.
For example, Sowedo was asked whether we could create a system that could speed up the return and handling of the return of a (lease) car.
This would provide customers with a faster settlement and a better indication of any damage. For fleet managers there would be an immediate overview of the returned car and the costs. And for the leasing company a better picture of the condition of the vehicle and how and when it will arrive. The latter in particular is a great advantage because the vehicle can then be offered in advance as a second-hand vehicle, both as a lease and for sale.
"Sowedo not only built the system, but also trained our employees so that we can maintain and expand it ourselves"
Manager IT development
The solution
Developing from a business perspective, that's what we went for. We quickly agreed that this had to be a project for the No-code platform WEM. Thanks to the pleasant contact with Sowedo and the customer, we carried out this assignment together. This means that there was a team from Sowedo and a team from the customer.
The solution that was eventually built is an app that allows the driver of a vehicle to carry out his own inspection. This can be done (towards the end of the contact) whenever and wherever he/she wants, the inspection report is immediately available for both the driver and the fleet manager. The app is clear and very extensive and includes an API connection for recognizing damage based on photos and/or video.
By using No-code we have built this application together with the customer. The client's team had little to no coding experience and they are now able to build applications from scratch and of course we are always there for support and support.
The result
The results are astonishing. Not only have we set up a complete system for the return of (lease) cars, but we have also changed the process. The inspection of a vehicle is no longer done after it has been returned, but in advance by the driver himself. This means that the customer no longer has to come to a specially designated location, no longer has to wait long for a return report and the lease company no longer has a car in stock for an unnecessarily long time.
- More than 50% of all vehicles that are collected are fully automated without the involvement of an employee
- The average time that a car is now on the lease company's premises has been reduced from 22 days to 2 days!
- Cars including photos are offered directly on the trading platform
- Discussions between employee and employer are also a thing of the past because there is an immediate clear report on the condition of the vehicle
These are just a few points of the success we have achieved together with the customer
in 180 days.